Resilience is power!

Ms Juwayria Amod – Executive Manager: Learning Programmes.

Research the women of 1956 who did not back down – and realise that their resilience to an unjust regime is what changed the face of the future in Apartheid South Africa.

Resilience is the process of adapting well in the face of adversity, trauma, tragedy, threats or significant sources of stress such as family and relationship problems, serious health problems, workplace, and financial stressors. It means ā€œbouncing backā€ from difficult experiences.” Resilience also means understanding that life is full of challenges.

While we cannot avoid many of these problems, we can remain open, flexible, and willing to adapt to change.

The reasons resilience is viewed as crucial for women are obvious: the pace and intensity of our working lives, societal pressures and gender bias, the extra responsibilities of our home lives, the emotional burden of household and family management (always having to ā€˜be thereā€™ for everyone else) and often putting yourself last.  

Characteristics of Resilient Women

Resilient women are aware of situations, their own emotional reactions, and the behaviour of those around them. By remaining aware, they can maintain control of a situation and think of new ways to tackle problems. In many cases, resilient we emerge stronger after such difficulties.


When a crisis emerges, resilient women spot the solution that will lead to a safe outcome. In dangerous situations, less resilient people sometimes fail to note important details or take advantage of opportunities. Resilient individuals can calmly and rationally look at a problem and envision a successful solution.

Embrace new concepts

People who are resilient tend to be open and flexible thinkers, who are aware of their own biases and triggers for reactivity. They can pause, acknowledge their experience and the experience of others, and adjust and reframe.

Strong Social Connections

Whenever dealing with a problem, it is important to have people who can are supportive of you. Talking about the challenges we face can be an excellent way to gain perspective, see new solutions, or simply express our emotions. Resilient women have a network of friends, family members, co-workers, and online support groups to keep them socially connected and mentally grounded.


If we are resilient, we tend to notice when we need to take a break and are able to accept our emotions. Self-compassion helps to boost overall health and resilience and ensure that we are ready to face life’s challenges.

Bouncing back

When faced with a challenge, criticism or a public platform in which things didnā€™t go according to plan,  we should not be concerned about ā€˜survival of the fittestā€™ but more about ā€œsurvival of the flexible.ā€™ We need to ask ourselves ā€“ ā€˜What opportunities are presenting themselves to me right now?

How to Ask for Help

While being resourceful is an important part of resilience, so is realising that you need help in some aspects of your life. During a crisis, everyone can benefit from the help of psychologists and counsellors specially trained to deal with crisis situations.