Sector skills plan
The Sector Skills Plan (SSP) represents the ‘roadmap’ for the work of SASSETA and organisations within the SASSETA network in terms of skills development. In addition to defining skills development deliverables, our vision and mission, the SSP provides information on:
- Sector profile
- Key skills issues in the safety and security sector
- Occupational shortages and skills gaps
- Sector partnerships
- Sector skills priority actions
The SSP should be based on the following aspects:
- Sector-wide representation without exclusion
This includes all sub-sectors and enterprise sizes within the sector as well as public and private organisations across a geographical distribution.
- A comprehensive and compelling vision
This is based on long, medium and short-term perspectives for the optimum development of the safety and security sector.
- A sector analysis and prognosis
This highlights specific occupations and their respective skills levels for every position.
- Full stakeholder participation and commitment
This is so every stakeholder can understand their role in the process of driving skills development.
- Alignment with national objectives and priorities
This refers to the National Skills Development Strategy (NSDS) in particular so that our objectives mirror the greater mandates at play.
- A clear outline of objectives, strategy and an action plan for implementation
This aims to prevent any deviation from the proposed SSP by keeping all role players on the same page.
The responsibility for producing the SSP rests with SASSETA. As a result, this includes the members of SASSETA that represent organised labour, organised employers, relevant government departments and other members appointed to our Board. As a strategic SETA document, the main stakeholders of the sector must endorse the SSP, via the SASSETA Board.
Sector Skill Plan
Title | Description | Version | Size | Hits | Date added | Date modified | Download |
SASSETA Sector Skills Plan 2023_24 | 3.54 MB | 2504 | 11-05-2023 | 11-05-2023 | DownloadPreview | ||
2021-2022-FINAL-SSP (1) | 5.06 MB | 4327 | 15-10-2020 | 15-10-2020 | DownloadPreview |