
The right research has the power to redefine our focus, change lives and empower communities

Through research, SASSETA can ensure that our funding has a much greater impact on the lives of learners, our economy and society as a whole. This means that is necessary for us to understand the needs and profile of the safety and security sector in order to succeed in driving skills development.

The world is changing so our focus should too…

Our research has suggested that factors like globalisation and technological advancements are changing the patterns of crime that impact on safety and security in South Africa. This is causing all sector role-players to redefine their areas of focus.

Relevant data from relevant sources

SASSETA research has focused on each of the seven sub-sectors in the safety and security sector as well as the nature and extent of skills supply in the sector. This has been drawn from various education and training institutions, SETA-supported training programmes, private providers, state institutions and governmental departments.

The Safety and Security Sector includes components of two of the major sectors in the Standard Industrial Classification (SIC) namely Group 8 (Finance, Real Estate and Business Services) and Group 9 (General Government Services). SASSETA has grouped its constituencies into seven subsectors: Policing, Corrections and Constitutional Development, Defence, Justice, Intelligence Activities, Legal Services, and Private Security and Investigation Activities. Access SIC codes and the specific constituencies associated with each of the subsectors here.

Post IMG

Sector Skills Plan




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Post IMG

Research and Evaluation Studies



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Priority Skills Plan




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