Human capital is any business’ most valuable resource. Investing in employees is more than just helping each person gain the skills they need to make an impact on an organisation.
It means empowering them to change their lives and the communities they’re part of. Thanks to the Skills Development Levies Act (No 9 of 1999) (SDLA), The Department of Higher Education and Training (DHET) in conjunction with the various SETAs, every employer can and should play a part in the skills development that ultimately drives our economy.
The future of the nation relies on safety and security
The safety and security sector in South Africa addresses both public and private entities. In the public realm, this includes the likes of Government security agencies and law enforcement bodies that protect and serve the people and interests of our nation. For the private side of this sector, this includes all bodies and companies who provide legal and security services to their clients.
To boost the quality of skills delivery within this sector, we need to understand all of its components and our people. Through the formulation of the 2019/2020 iteration of the SASSETA Sector Skills Plan, we further enhanced our understanding of national data regarding total employment, distribution, gender, age, location, disability status, occupational group and population group of those looking for opportunities in the South African labour market.
It’s a common misconception that the safety and security sector is one that only encompasses physical security. In today’s world, the safety of any population depends on a variety of factors that now encompass intelligence, data and new legislation. As a result, SASSETA’s expertise and services extend to seven subsectors:
- The Independent Complaints Directorate (IPID)
- Provincial Safety and Security (Departments of Community Safety)
- The Civilian Secretariat for Police
- The South African Police Service (SAPS)
- Municipal and Metro Police Services
- Traffic Management, Law Enforcement and Road Traffic Management Corporation
- The Department of Correctional Services (DCS)
- Private Correctional Services Providers
- Kutama Sinthumule Correctional Centre
- Mangaung Correctional Centre
- The Department of Defence (DOD)
- South African National Defence Force (SANDF, SA Navy, SA Air Force and SA Military Health)
- The Department of Justice and Constitutional Development (DoJ & CD)
- National Prosecuting Authority (NPA)
- Special Investigations Unit (SIU)
- The National Intelligence Agency (NIA)
- The South African Secret Service (SASS)
- Legal and Paralegal Services
- Sheriffs
- Legal Aid Services
- Private Security, Investigation and Polygraph Services
Playing our role in a better South Africa
According to the 2015/20 cycle of the Medium Term Strategic Framework (MTSF), SASSETA contributes towards Outcome 3: All people in South Africa are and feel safe. This outcome involves the following:
- A reduction in overall serious crime levels, particularly contact crime.
- A more effective Criminal Justice System.
- Reduced corruption within the JCPS cluster that enhances its ability to deter crime.
- Reduced national corruption.
- Improved perceptions and management of crime within a population.
- Improved perception and trust, resulting in increased investment in South Africa.
- Effective and integrated border management.
- Lower incidences of cyber-crime