Frequently asked questions

Our sector has an elevated risk of injury and we cannot afford to have learners on site without cover, in the event of injury.
COIDA takes an average of 21 days to obtain, so it is advisable to always have this on hand. It is good practice to protect employees and learners in the event of injury while at your premises.

As a public institution, we may not do business with entities whose tax matters are not in order.

Our policies require that preference be given to organisations that comply with BBBEE requirements.

Discretionary grants are awarded to legal entities and some grants are only available to certain types of entities, for example NPO’s and trade unions.

This is one way the SETA can confirm that the company a) is legally compliant b) is correctly registered against SASSETA (SETA 19).

SASSETA policy is to give preference to our stakeholders, including trade unions, NGO’s and Cooperatives operating in our sector. Due to very limited funding, SASSETA is unable to fund companies registered elsewhere.

SASSETA publishes its DG policy, which includes its funding framework, clearly articulating inclusions, preferences and exclusions. Except in the case of persons living with disabilities, SASSETA will not exceed the grant amounts stated in its policy.

SASSETA recommends a ratio of one (1) Assessor for every 25 learners applied for (for Training Provider) and a ratio of one (1) Subject Matter Expert (a person who holds the qualification him/herself and has vast experience) for every five (5) unemployed learners applied for (for Employers).
This is important so that a learner / intern, based at a workplace, can obtain workplace-based experience under the supervision and guidance of a qualified person

Submission of the WSP/ATR or Pivotal Plan (for small companies employing less than 50 employees) is a legislated prerequisite to accessing the discretionary grant.

With public funds, valid documents must be produced for audit purposes. Copies that are not clear, not certified, or certified more than three (3) months before the closing date will be considered invalid.

All fields on the application form are required. Where these are not applicable, rather indicate so than leave blank.

All compulsory requirements assist in the adjudication process. A checklist is attached to each form – we suggest you have at least two people go through your application diligently before submission.

For each new funding window SASSETA aligns application forms to evaluation requirements and the adverts in order to provide sufficient detail to make a decision.
There are two application forms in the current funding window:
1) Employer application form – to be used by private employers, community based organisations, NGO’s, Cooperatives, trade unions and public training institutions who wish to apply for grants to train their employees / unemployed persons.
2) Provider application form

SASSETA researches and updates the skills requirements of the sector annually, primarily through WSP’s submitted, focus groups and interviews. Employers are urged to participate in these to ensure that the SETA correctly forecasts demand in order to plan for the supply of skills.

SETA stands for Sector Education and Training Authority. A SETA’s main purpose is to contribute to the improvement of skills in South Africa. At present there are 23 SETAs that service the various sectors and industries in South Africa. In addition, each SETA has been registered by SAQA (South African Qualifications Authority) as the ETQA (Education and Training Quality Assurance) for their sector(s).

An ETQA is a SAQA-accredited Education & Training Quality Assurance Body. ETQA’s are responsible for monitoring and auditing the standards of providers and qualifications offered? within their areas of scope.

(a) is registered as a provider in terms of the applicable legislation at the time of application for accreditation;

(b) has a quality management system that includes but is not limited to:

  • quality management policies which define the training the provider wishes to offer
  • quality management procedures that allow the provider to practise its defined quality management policies; or
  • review mechanisms that ensure that the quality management policies and procedures defined are applied and remain effective;

(c) is able to develop, deliver and evaluate learning programmes which result in specified registered standards or qualifications;

(d) has the:

  • necessary financial, administrative and physical resources to continue as a going concern
  • policies and practices for staff selection, appraisal and development;
  • policies and practices for learner entry, guidance and support systems;
  • policies and practices for the management of off-site practical or work-site components,
  • policies and practices for the management of assessment which include appeals systems;
  • necessary reporting procedures (do you mean span of control?); and
  • the ability to achieve the desired outcomes, using available resources and procedures considered by the Education and Training Quality Assurance Body as necessary to develop, deliver and evaluate learning programmes that result in registered standards or qualifications contemplated in paragraph (c); and

(e) has not already been granted accreditation by or applied for accreditation to another Education and Training Quality Assurance Body contemplated in Regulation 2 of the ETQA Regulations.

The accreditation of an education and training provider benefits the various stakeholders in the following ways:

  • An accredited provider has credibility in the eyes of the public.
  • The learning programmes offered by an accredited provider culminate in NQF credits.
  • The qualification obtained by learners enjoys national and international recognition.
  • Accreditation serves as a surety that the provider has the necessary capacity and resources pertinent to the delivery of quality education and training.
  • Accreditation compels the provider to constantly remain on the cutting edge of quality education provision.
  • When a provider is accredited by SASSETA , the users know that:
    1. The provider meets all SAQA and SASSETA ETQA requirements for quality delivery of education, training, assessment, design and management.
    2. The credits and qualifications offered by that provider are nationally registered
    3. Qualifications that learners achieve are nationally and internationally recognized.
    4. The provider has access to many forms of support and capacity building offered by the SASSETA.


  • To start the process of accreditation you will have to complete the: “Accreditation Application Form “
    1. Go to SASSETA website:
  • On the Home page go to Forms and Downloads
  • Click on ETQA
  • On the extreme Right hand side you will notice the heading Download Documents :
  • Accreditation Application Form
  • Accreditation Program Evaluation Form
  • Guide &Application form for the Registration of Assessors and Moderators
  • Provider Accreditation manual
  • Provider Self Evaluation Guide

Click on any of these headings to open the document

Examples of what the abovementioned documents look like

Full Accreditation

A training provider is awarded Full Accreditation when he, at the sole discretion of the SASSETA, has complied with all the accreditation requirements. The provider offers NQF registered Qualifications and Unit Standards. Programs are evaluated in accordance to a set program evaluation criteria. During this time a relationship will be established with the SASSETA in terms of which a program of continuous audit and quality improvements will be established

Provisional Accreditation

Provisional Accreditation is a temporary status given to providers that have not met all the criteria for full accreditation. All providers are ultimately required to meet the criteria for full accreditation and may not remain provisionally accredited indefinitely. The SASSETA usually grants a training provider provisional accreditation status for a maximum of 1 year

Approval of Learning Programs

The SASSETA also has a responsibility for program approval. Program approval process may take place for two reasons:

Firstly , there may be providers that have applied to another ETQA for accreditation, and may have a limited number of programs that fall within the primary focus of the SASSETA ETQA. In these cases, the accrediting ETQA will request that the SASSETA ETQA undertakes a program approval process for this provider.

Secondly, there are instances where learning programs are not unit standard or qualification based and, at the sole discretion of the SASSETA, providers may be given approval for these learning programs for an agreed period of time, until there are unit standards /qualifications in place that are relevant for these program(s). The provider, however has to still comply with all the accreditation criteria as per SASSETA accreditation criteria.

A skills programme is a short learning programme that is occupationally-based and when completed, provides a learner with credits towards an NQF qualification. It is made up of one or more unit standards that are found within a qualification.

Go to SAQA home page at

  • Click on icon “Qualifications and Unit Standards”
  • Click on brown bar “All Qualifications and Unit Satandards”
  • Click on “Search for a Unit Standard”
  • Type in the search field “Unit Standard ID” the Unit Standard No.

Do not fill in any of the other fields.

  • Click on “Go”
  • Click on the Unit Standard ID No. to access the Unit Standard

RPL stands for Recognition of Prior Learning and formally recognises a person’s knowledge or skills obtained through formal or informal training, or through on-the-job or life experience.

If the registered assessor (working for an Accredited Provider) assesses you to be competent you will be awarded a certificate by the certifying body (SASSETA in this case). This will also be recorded on the National Learner Record Database (a national registry of all credits and qualifications issued against a person’s ID number).

If the assessor does not find you competent, you will be given a report identifying those areas that you still need to address before certification can take place. The report will be developed by an accredited SASSETA training provider, accredited for the applicable unit standards against which you were found not yet competent. You may however be awarded a certificate of competence for individual unit standards.

RPL is a legally accepted academic process introduced in South Africa in 1995 as part as the SAQA Act. Major South African companies are using RPL as a component of overall assessment practice. There is no difference between the certification you will receive via RPL and the certification received by a learner who studied in a traditional way. RPL is a recognized way of gaining a qualification or credits through SAQA.

You need to produce sufficient evidence for the assessor to find you competent. The period will vary according to the individual and qualification. Allow at least three to four months for this process to be completed.

Assessment is the process of judging a person’s competence (skills, knowledge and attitudes) in relation to standardized credit bearing outcomes from the National Qualification Framework.

Person or bodies involved in adjudication? Why are they competent to judge?

After being accredited by SASSETA and receiving a formal letter of confirmation and a list of unit standards that you have been accredited to offer, you need to contactact SASSETA learning programs (leaner ships) department to arrange for the collection or postage of the applicable material. Contact the following Learnership Administrators for material:
Suzan Botsi
Tel: 011 347 0272

Lorraine Matjila
Tel: 011 347 0200

Each accredited provider is granted accreditation for unit standards and / or qualifications falling within its area of primary focus (i.e. Safety and Security). If an accredited provider wishes to extend its provision of education and training to include unit standards that were not registered at the time of accreditation or unit standards not within its primary focus, such a provider should apply to the ETQA for extension of accreditation.

You need to submit to SASSETA a written application, set out on your official company letterhead providing you comply with the following criteria:

  • You are an Accredited SASSETA ETQA training provider
  • The unit standards for which you are requesting extension must be registered on the National Qualifications Framework
  • The criteria that you, the provider adheres to in terms of its accreditation status applies to the extension of accreditation as well
  • The unit standards for which accreditation is sought must be verified by assessors and moderators registered with the SASSETA ETQA. Proof of SASSETA registration must be submitted, or a Memorandum of Understanding (MOU) with Assessors and moderators who are registered for the unit standards or Qualification you are applying for must be provided
  • Registered assessors and moderators must apply for an extension of scope to their registration for the unit standards /qualification that they wish to assess.
  • You need to submit to SASSETA a written application for extension of scope which needs to be set out on an official company letterhead. You need to provide:
    1. Registered name of the provider organization
    2. Accreditation number issued by the SASSETA ETQA
    3. Titles and SAQA identity numbers of the unit standards for which the applicant wants extension of accreditation
    4. An undertaking to the effect that the same quality management system, its related policies and conditions as in the original accreditation application shall apply to the area of extension once the extension has been endorsed by the SASSETA ETQA.

Contact Person regarding extension of Scope as a training provider:
Michelle George
Tel: 011 347 0200
Fax: 086 630 2312
If I have developed my own learning material against SAQA registered unit standards / Qualifications that fall within the SASSETA primary focus what should I do to get it approved?

Circumstances may differ as per request (Other Seta accreditation) (Unstructured header)

The provider must be have SASSETA accreditation and need to

  • Complete the SASSETA Accreditation Program Evaluation Form.
  • Submit a list of SASSETA registered assessors / moderators against the unit standards being applied for.
  • Submit an MOU for SASSETA registered assessors / moderators against the unit standards being applied for.
  • Submit completed material that comprises of:
    1. Learner Guide
    2. Facilitator Guide
    3. Learner Workbook
    4. Assessor Guide
    5. Program Matrix
    6. Formative and summative assessments.
    7. Memorandum for assessments.

Contact Person regarding extension of Scope with regards to learning programs :
Andrew Sithole
Tel: 011 347 0200
Fax: 086 630 2312

Every SASSETA accredited skills development provider must have assessors and moderators linked to their training institution for specific unit standards and qualifications. A written agreement that the assessor/moderator is prepared to assess/moderate for the SASSETA accredited provider must be submitted to the SASSETA ETQA, the agreement has to be signed and dated by both parties.

The following needs to be submitted before a change of address can be made to SASSETA database:

  • Notification letter of changes of address on an official company letterhead that must be signed
  • Completed SASSETA Update Form
  • New Lease Agreement
  • Appointed person for OHS
  • Color photos of the premises

Contact Person regarding Changes of Address:
Annalene Bezuidenhout
Tel: 011 347 0202
Fax: 011 315 1434
Annalene will advice on the way forward regarding the new site.

Submit the following:

  • Letter of application for new branches
  • Completed Provider Accreditation Application Form
  • Responsible person for the branch
  • MOU of Registered SASSETA Assessors and moderators
  • Lease Agreement
  • Occupational Health and Safety Letter
  • PSIRA company branch certificate if offering security related training as a “Security Service Provider”
      1. The security service providers should ensure that the head office and relevant branches are registered with the Private Security Industry Regulatory Authority before they obtain accreditation at SASSETA.

Contact Person regarding additional Branch:
Annalene Bezuidenhout
Tel: 011- 347 0202
Fax: 011- 315 1434

Each branch has to apply for extension of scope on its own and ensure that their assessors and moderators are in place. A Head office can apply for an extension of scope for a list of its branches. With this application all relevant evidence must be submitted, assessors, moderators, Mou’s for assessors/ moderators, Material if applicable.

Go to SASSETA website:

  • On the Home page go to Media and publications
  • Click on Downloads
  • Click Accreditation
  • Guide &Application form for the Registration of Assessors and Moderators (Download and complete relevant all sections)

Documents to be submitted: See page 15 of above mentioned application form

  • have two years relevant occupational experience;
  • possess the generic assessor standard ‘plan and conduct assessment of learning outcome’;
  • have a relevant occupational qualification;
  • be a competent communicator;
  • be competent in the unit standards or qualification offered, at or above the NQF level involved
  • Signed code of Conduct
  • Detailed CV a detailed CV indicating experiences in the field for which unit standards applying for.
  • Relevant certificates of competence- applicants to ensure that the relevant certificates are submitted in line with the unit standards requesting.
  • PSIRA certificates where applicable (Grades).

Contact Person regarding new assessor, moderator application forms:
Mandla Sihlangu
Tel: 011 087 5512

Please contact the SASSETA ETQA department on 011-347 0200 to check relevant dates as this schedule is compiled annually. It should be noted that special meetings may be scheduled as and when it becomes necessary.

Titles & SurnamesNamesDesignationsExt. Nos.Email
Ms. BoshomaneAnnahCertification
Ms. NdlebeRachelActing ETQA
Mr. SihlanguMandlaPractitioner: Accreditation and
Ms. BezuidenhoutAnnelineAdministrator:
Ms. MakgalemeleMmaselloAdministrator: Learning Programmes and
Ms. MaliseMulaloAdministrator:
Ms. MokomeRefilweAdministrator: Quality
Ms. NukeriRivalaniPractitioner: Quality
Ms. ShabalalaNonkululekoAdministrator:
Ms. SamboGloryAdministrator:
Ms. MohammedHopeAdministrator:
Mr. TshiananeEmmauelData
Mr. MolaMphoData
Ms. MahlanguCarmeliaData
Ms. KwenaiteSharonData
Mr. TshiananeEmmauelData
Ms. NdlovuGraceData
Ms. KgomongweReabetsweData
Ms. MalekaMatlakalaData
Ms. NemutshiliAvhatakaliData
Ms. NdamaseNomapheloData

Apply to SASSETA ETQA on a company letterhead to convert to the new General Security Practices (58577). Your request will be formally tabled in the next ETQA Committee meeting. Ensure that you have SASSETA registered assessors and moderators registered against the unit standards that fall within the applicable qualification .After this sitting SASSETA will send a letter which you will use to come and fetch disks for the new learning material.

It is the responsibility of the accredited skills development provider to manage and monitor this expiry as stipulated in the accreditation report. Inform SASSETA ETQA in writing on a company letterhead of your situation so that a monitoring site visit can be arranged. It is after this visit that your provisional accreditation status will be extended depending on the findings. You are urged to implement training so that your status can be upgraded to full. Even if you have been training within your one year provisional accreditation status you still have to inform the ETQA for a Monitoring/ Verification visit to be scheduled. After a positive Monitoring and Evaluation visit your status will be tabled in the next ETQA Committee.

Inform SASSETA ETQA to make arrangements for a Quality Assurance of Learner Achievements (QALA) visit. SASSETA will send an appointed verifier to come and validate those learner achievements and make a decision whether the results are valid. Please note that the Skills Admin division will not print certificates without a positive verification report.

Contact Mmasello at 011347 0201 or to receive your report and file it in a safe place. Compile a development action to address the areas indicated in the report. Make sure that you start implementing the recommendations of the verifier as a matter of urgency. Should you need further support during the implantation you must contact the SASSETA ETQA. Please note that you are not allowed to contact the verifier directly.

You need to contact Mr. A Sithole on 011-3470200 or Mr. L Arries they will forward you the necessary documentation to be completed to initiate the process

Email address: and

The complaint must be submitted to the SASSETA ETQA Department in the form of an affidavit and must be signed by a commissioner of oaths. All relevant information that will aid the investigation must be included and where possible names and contact numbers of parties are to be included that are complained against. The complainant is to supply his personal details as well as contact numbers for feedback purposes.

Current NRCS Certificate
SAPS shooting range certificate
Proof of shooting range (i.e. MoU with a shooting range or evidence of own shooting range)
Accredited firearm learning material or MoU to utilized the learning material

The following terms and definitions have been drawn from the SAQA ETQA Regulations for the ETQA function


Accreditation describes the processes and criteria by which the SASSETA will give formal recognition that an institution, body or person is competent in terms of a specific purpose, for example as an assessment agency, as an assessor, a moderator or as a provider of education and training services

(Accredited) Provider

Any person or body (as described above) who, having met the quality assurance criteria laid down by SAQA, has been formally recognised by SAQA through the relevant Education and Training Quality Assurance Body (ETQA)

Applied competence

Means the ability to put into practice, in the relevant context, the learning outcomes acquired in obtaining a unit standard and/or qualification


Means the person who is registered by the Education and Training Quality Assurance Body (ETQA) in accordance with criteria established by the Standards Generating Body (SGB) to measure the achievement of specified National Qualifications Framework standards or qualifications, and “constituent assessor” has a corresponding meaning


Is the process of gathering and weighing evidence in order to determine whether learners have demonstrated outcomes specified in unit standards and/or qualifications registered on the NQF. The generic assessor standard registered by SAQA entitled ‘Plan and conduct assessment of learning outcomes’ outlines the process in detail. The management of assessment is the responsibility of providers


Means belonging to the defined or delegated constituency of an organization or body referred to in the SAQA ETQA regulations. ETQA’s have constituent providers, constituent learners and constituent assessors

Core learning

Means that compulsory learning required in situations contextually relevant to the particular qualifications, and “core” has a corresponding meaning


Means that value assigned by the National Authority to ten (10) notional hours of learning

Critical outcomes

Means those generic outcomes which inform all teaching and learning, and ‘critical cross-field education and training outcomes’ has a corresponding meaning

Education and Training Quality Assurance Body (ETQA)

Means a body accredited in terms of section 5(1)(a)(ii) of the SAQA Act, responsible for monitoring and auditing achievements in terms of national standards or qualifications, and to which specific functions relating to the monitoring and auditing of national standards or qualifications have been assigned in terms of section 5(1)(b)(i) of the SAQA Act

Elective learning

Means a selection of additional credits at the level of the National Qualifications Framework specified, from which a choice may be made to ensure that the purpose of the qualification is achieved, and ‘elective’ has a corresponding meaning

ETD Practitioner

Education, Training and Development Practitioner, is a term used to include the whole spectrum of educators and trainers: teachers, trainers, facilitators, tutors, markers, lecturers, development, officers, mentors and the like

Evidence Facilitation

Is the process by which candidates are assisted to produce and organize evidence for the purpose of assessment? It is not an essential part of every assessment process, but is useful in many contexts. The generic unit standard ‘Facilitate the preparation and presentation of assessment evidence by candidates’ currently being generated by the SGB outlines this process in detail

Exit level outcomes

Means those defined points of learning in a qualification at which a learner may leave the programme with recognition of learning achieved


Means a particular area of learning used as an organizing mechanism for the National Qualifications Framework

Fundamental learning

Means that learning which forms the grounding or basis needed to undertake the education, training or further learning required in the obtaining of a qualification and ‘fundamental’ has a corresponding meaning

Integrated assessment

Means that form of assessment which permits the learner to demonstrate applied competence and which uses a range of formative and summative assessment methods

Learning programme

Means the combination of courses, modules or units of learning (learning materials and methodology) by which learners can achieve the learning outcomes for a qualification


Is the process of ensuring that assessments have been conducted in line with agreed practices, and are fair, reliable and valid. The generic assessor standard registered by SAQA entitled ‘Moderate assessments’ outlines the process in detail. One moderator usually checks the work of several assessors to ensure consistency. The management of moderation is the responsibility of the provider

Moderating body

Means a body specifically appointed by the SASSETA for the purpose of moderation

National Qualifications Framework (NQF)

A set of principles and guidelines, by which records of learner achievement are registered to enable national recognition of acquired skills and knowledge thereby ensuring an integrated system that encourages life-long learning.

National Unit Standard

It is a description of the end points of learning. Is the smallest unit that can be credited to a learner? It may be stand alone, but are generally forms part of a qualification. It is a statement of expectation and / or aspiration and forms the basis for the judgements or assessments that are made.

Notional hours of learning

Means the learning time that it is conceived it would take an average learner to meet the outcomes defined, and includes concepts such as contact time, time spent in structured learning in the workplace and individual learning


Means the contextually demonstrated end-products of the learning process

Primary focus

Means that activity or objective within the sector upon which an organization or body concentrates its efforts

Professional body

Means a statutory body registered as such in terms of the legislation applicable to such bodies, or a voluntary body performing the functions contemplated in the legislation for such bodies but not registered as such


Means a body which delivers learning programmes (practical and or theoretical) which culminate in specified National Qualifications Framework standards or qualifications and manages the assessment thereof

Qualifying learner

Means a learner who has obtained a unit standard and/or qualification

Quality assurance

Means the process of ensuring that the degree of excellence specified is achieved

Quality audit

Means the process of examining the indicators which show the degree of compliance with the QMS

Quality management system (QMS)

Means the combination of processes used to ensure that the degree of excellence specified is achieved


Represents a planned combination/sequence of national unit standards that is intended to provide qualifying learners with applied competence and a basis for further learning

A cluster of learning the industry wishes to recognise

Recognition of prior learning (RPL)

Means the comparison of the previous learning and experience of a learner how so ever obtained against the learning outcomes required for a specified qualification or unit standard and the acceptance for purposes of qualification of that which meets the requirements as specified in the accreditation documentation

Registered constituent assessor and moderator

Means a person who is registered by the SASSETA in accordance with criteria established for this purpose by the ETQA to measure the achievements of specified National Qualifications Framework standards or qualifications. All ETQA’s must have register of assessors. They may also wish to have similar registers of moderators and verifiers

Registered constituent verifiers

Means persons placed on an official register by the SASSTA after meeting agreed criteria. Constituent verifiers may be contracted by the ETQA to carry out verification activities on its behalf in relation to the achievement of specified National Qualifications Framework standards or qualifications

Registered standards

Means standards or qualifications registered on the National Qualifications Framework


Means a defined portion of social, commercial or educational activities used to prescribe the boundaries of an Education and Training Quality Assurance Body.

In the context of this document means the safety and security sector

Specialized learning

Means that specialized theoretical knowledge which underpins application in the area of specialization and “specialization’ has a corresponding meaning

Standard Generating Body (SGB)

Means a body registered in terms of section 5(1)(a)(ii) of the SAQA Act, responsible for establishing education and training standards or qualifications, and to which specific functions relating to the establishing of national standards and/or qualifications have been assigned in terms of section 5(1)(b)(i) of the SAQA Act

South African Qualifications Authority (SAQA)

  • To oversee the development of the NQF by formulating and publishing policies and criteria for the registration of bodies responsible for establishing education and training standards or qualifications,
  • For the Accreditation of bodies responsible for monitoring and auditing achievements in terms of such standards and qualifications,
  • To oversee the implementation of the NQF by ensuring the registration, accreditation and assignment of functions to the bodies referred to above, as well as the registration of national standards and qualifications on the framework.

Skills programme

A programme of learning that includes a large element of workplace or on the job training, and leads to a standard, or standards registered on the NQF. The targeted standards should be in line with the priorities of the Sector Skills Plan and the National Skills Development Strategy

Single purpose provider

A provider that offers a range of education and training programs and DOES fit conveniently into the primary focus of a SETA

Multipurpose provider

A provider that offers a range of education and training programs and DOES NOT fit conveniently into the primary focus of a SETA


A work based learning route to a qualification registered on the NQF

Integrates theory and work experience

In the context of this document, the learning program for a qualification that is registered by the SASSETA

Short Course

A learning intervention that contributes towards the outcomes of one or more unit standards and/or qualification


The process by which the recommendations from the provider about the award of credits or qualifications to learners are checked. It is an ETQA function to verify the claims of providers that assessment has been properly conducted and moderated

ABET-Adult Basic Education And Training
ATR – Annual Training Report
DOL – Department of Labour
EEA – Employment Equity Act
ESDA – Employment And Skills Development Agency
ETD – Education, Training And Development
ETDP – Education, Training And Development Practitioner
ETQA – Education And Training Quality Assurance Body
FET – Further Education And Training
GDS – Growth and Development Summit
HET – Higher Education And Training
IDC – Independent Complaints Directorate
MOU – Memorandum Of Understanding
NLRD – National Learner Record Database
NQF – National Qualifications Framework
NSA – National Skills Authority
NSB – National Standards Body
NSF – National Skills Fund
NSDS – National Skills Development Strategy
SASSETA – Safety and Security Sector Education and Training Authority
SETA – Sector Education and Training Authority
OBE – Outcomes Based Education
PFMA – Public Finance Management Act
QMS – Quality Management System
RPL – Recognition Of Prior Learning
SAPS – South African Police Service
SAQA – South African Qualifications Authority
SARS – South African Revenue Service
SDA – Skills Development Act
SDF – skills development facilitator
SDL – skills development levy
SDLA – Skills Development Levies Act
SGB – standards generating body
SIC – standard industrial classification
SLA – service level agreement
SMME – small, medium and micro enterprise
SSP – sector skills plan
US – unit standard
WSP – workplace skills plan

Sector Specific

CPO – Close Protection Operative
CFR – Central Firearms Registry
DCS – Department of Correctional Services
DOJ – Department of Justice
FMA – Firearms Control Act
ICD – Independent Complaints Directorate
PSIRA/SIRA – Private Security Industry Regulatory Authority
SSS – Secretariat for Safety and Security

Name of InstitutionContact PersonAddressContact Details
Agriculture Sector
Education and
Training Authority
Dr Innocent Sirhovha (CEO)
Mr. Fanny Phetla
(ETQA Manager)

529 Belvedere Street, Arcadia, Pretoria

Postal Address:  P.O. Box 26024, Arcadia, 0007

Tel:(012) 301 5628 begin of the skype highlighting
 (012) 301 5651/05 end of the skype highlighting
Fax:086 556 5588
Banking Sector
Education and
Training Authority
Mr. Eubert Mashabane (CEO)
Ms. Karen Hobbs
(ETQA Manager)
Paulette Bourne
(Learnership Manager)

Eco Origin Office Park, Entrance 1, Block C2, 349 Witch-hazel Avenue, Eco Park Estate, Highveld, Centurion, 0144

Postal Address:  P.O.Box 11678, Vorna Valley, 1686

Tel:(011) 805-9661 begin of the skype highlighting
 (011) 564 5319end of the skype highlighting
Fax:011 805 8348
Education and
Training Authority
Mr. Malusi Shezi
Dr Thabang Matobako
(ETQA Manager)
Mr. Francis Lamola
(Acting Learnership Manager)

183 Kerk Street (Cnr Old Pretoria Main Road), Halfway House, Midrand, South Africa

Postal Address:  P.O. Box 1955, Halfway House, 1685

Tel:(011) 265 5900
Fax:(011) 265 5900
Tel No:(011) 265 5900 begin of the skype highlighting
 (011) 265 5900 end of the skype highlighting
Council on Higher
Mr Rolf Stumpf
Dr. Lis Lange
(Executive Director: HEQC)
Mercy Sondlo
P.O. Box 94
Tel:(012) 349-3861 begin of the skype highlighting
 (012) 349-3861 end of the skype highlighting
Fax:(012) 349 3942
Tel No:(012) 349 3850 begin of the skype highlighting
 (012) 349 3850 end of the skype highlighting
Fax No:(012) 349 3927
Tel:(012) 349 3895 begin of the skype highlighting
 (012) 349 3895end of the skype highlighting
Fax:(012) 349 3927
Tel:(012) 349 3851 begin of the skype highlighting
 (012) 349 3851end of the skype highlighting
Fax:012 349 3927
Education and
Training Authority
Mr. Yershan Pillay
Ms Ayesha Itzkin
(Executive Manager: ETDQA)
Mr. Christopher Sono
(Quality Assurance Manager)
Ms Mirriam Christopher
(Learnership Manager)

2 Clamart Road, Richmond, Johannesburg

Postal Address:  P.O. Box 961, Auckland Park, 2006

Tel:(011) 628 7000 begin of the skype highlighting
 (011) 628 7000 end of the skype highlighting X 204
Fax:(011) 726 7777
Clothing, Textiles,
Footwear and
Leather Sector
Education and
Training Authority
Mr PK Naicker
Mr Lenny Paltu (ETQA Manager)
Timothy Canham
Learnership Manager ( KZN Province)
P.O. Box 935
CTFL Office 
Tel:(031) 702-4482 begin of the skype highlighting
 (031) 702-4482 end of the skype highlighting
Fax:(031) 702-4113
Energy Sector
Education and
Mr. Funamna Mankaye
Mr. Johan Swanepoel
(ETQA Manager)
Mr. Tebogo Motla
(Learnership Manager)
P.O. Box 5983
Tel:(011) 689 – 5300 begin of the skype highlighting
 (011) 689 – 5300 end of the skype highlight
Fax:(011) 689 – 5340
Fax:(011) 689-5342/3
Training and
Development Practices
Ms. Nombule Nxesi (CEO)
Mr Rama Kistiah
(ETQA Manager)
Mabu Rapotle
(Leanership Manager)

24 Johnson Road, Riverwoods Office Park, Bedfordview, Johannesburg

Postal Address:  Private Bag X105, Melville, 2109

Tel:(011) 372 3300 begin of the skype highlighting
 (011) 372 3302 end of the skype highlighting
Fax:086 604 8934
ETQA Fax:(011) 482 6375
 086 619 2752
Fax:(011) 482 5748
Financial and
Services Sector
Education and
Training Authority

Ms. Ayanda Mafuleka (CEO)

Ms. Natercia Faustino
(ETQA/ Learnership Manager)

Block A, Eva Office Park, Cnr Beyers Naude Dr & Judges Ave, Blackheath

Postal Address:  P.O. Box 6801, Cresta, 2118

Tel:(011) 476 8570 begin of the skype highlighting
 (011) 476 8570 end of the skype highlighting
Fax:(011) 476 5756
Forest Industries
Education and
Training Authority
Mr. Simangaliso Mkhwanazi (CEO)
Mr Johnny Modiba
(ETQA Manager)
P.O. Box 31276
Tel:(011) 712-0600/1
Fax:(011) 339-1166
 (011) 339 1160
Food and
Manufacturing Industry
Sector Education
and Training Authority
Ms. Nokuthula Selamolela (CEO)Mr. Krappie Eloff
(ETQA Manager)
Ms. Blanche Engelbrecht
(Learnership Manager)

13 Autumn Street, Rivonia

Postal Address:  P.O. Box 245, Gallo Manor, 2052

Tel:(011) 253 7307 begin of the skype highlighting
 (011) 253 7300end of the skype highlighting
Fax:(011) 253 7333
Health Professions
Council of SA
Adv Boyce Mkhize (Registrar)
Mr Bheki Mbhele
General Manager:
Professional Board / (ETQA Manager
Mrs Sanet v/d Merwe
P.O. Box 205
Mrs Sanet v/d Merwe
Tel:(012) 338-9300 begin of the skype highlighting
 (012) 338-9300 end of the skype highlighting
Fax:(012) 328-4862
Tel:(012) 338 9492 begin of the skype highlighting
 (012) 338 9492end of the skype highlighting
Tel:(012) 338 9390 begin of the skype highlighting
 (012) 338 9390end of the skype highlighting
Tel:(012) 338 9320 begin of the skype highlighting
 (012) 338 9320end of the skype highlighting
Health and Welfare
Sector Education
and Training Authority

Ms. Elaine Brass (CEO)

Mr Nathan Seotsanyana
(Executive Manager: ETQA)
Ms Champa Gopal
(Learner Achievement Manager)

Private Bag X15, Garden View, 2047

Postal Address:  Private Bag X15, Garden View, 2047

Tel:(011) 607 6997 begin of the skype highlighting
 (011) 607 6997 end of the skype highlighting
Fax:(011) 616 7392 / (011) 616 7393
ETQA FAX:011 616 7393
Insurance Sector
Education and
Training Authority
Ms Sharon Snell (Acting CEO) Neesha Naidoo
(ETQA Manager) Tumi Peele
(Learnership Manager)
P.O. Box 32035
Tel:(011) 544-2000 begin of the skype highlight
 (011) 544-2000end of the skype highlighting
Fax:(011) 484-0862
Direct No.011 544 2032 begin of the skype highlighting
 011 544 2032end of the skype highlighting
ETQA Fax:011 484 9878
Direct No.011 544 2018 begin of the skype highlighting
 011 544 2018end of the skype highlighting
Information Systems,
Electronics and
Technologies Sector
Education and Training
Mr. Oupa Mopaki (CEO)
Mr Charlton Philiso
(Senior ETQA Manager)
Mr Jabu Sibeko
(Learnership Manager)
P.O. Box 5585
Tel:(011) 207 2600 begin of the skype highlighting
 (011) 207 2600 end of the skype highlighting
Fax:(011) 805 6833
Local Government
Sector Education
and Training Authority

Mr. Ineeleng Molete (CEO )

Ms Valentia Mashigo
ETQA Manager
Mrs Rosemary Du Plessis
(Learnership Manager)

47 Van Buuren Road, Bedfordview

Postal Address:  P.O. Box 1964, Bedfordview, 2008

Tel:(011) 456 8579 begin of the skype highlighting
 (011) 456-8579 end of the skype highlighting
Fax:(011) 450 4948
Media, Advertising,
Publishing, Printing
and Packaging
Sector Education
and Training Authority
Mr. Bheki Zulu ( CEO)
Ms Zanele Maseko
(ETQA – Cape Town)
Ms Xolelwa Kashe-Katiya
(ETQA Manager)
P.O. Box 5821
7536P.O. Box 1258
3600P.O. Box 199
Fax:011 234 2338
Tel:031 303 6001 begin of the skype highlighting
 031 303 6001end of the skype highlighting
Fax:031 303 6057
Tel:(011) 234 2311 begin of the skype highlighting
 (011) 234 2311 end of the skype highlighting
Fax:(011) 234 2350
Engineering and
Related Services
Sector Education
and Training Authority

Mr. Wyne Adams (CEO)

Mr Christo Basson
Senior LETQA Manager
Mr Naphtaly Mokgotsane
Quality Assuror
Ms Michelle Olivier
Quality Assuror

The Atrium, 95 7th Avenue, Corner Rustenburg Road, Melville

Postal Address:  P.O. Box 61826, Marshalltown, 2107

Tel:(011) 219 3338 begin of the skype highlighting
 (011) 219 3338 end of the skype highlighting
Tel:(011) 219 3338 begin of the skype highlighting
 (011) 219 3338 end of the skype highlighting
Fax:086 670 0037
LETQA Manager Tel:011 219 3338 begin of the skype highlighting
 011 219 3338 end of the skype highlighting
CEO Fax:086 670 0037
ETQA Fax:(011) 484 4599
 0866 702 608/ 086 6477812 begin of the skype highlighting
 086 6477812 end of the skype highlighting
Mining Qualifications
Mr Livhuwani Nengovhela (CEO)
Ms Jay Moodley
(ETQA Manager)
Mr. Thapelo Madibeng
(Learnership Manager)

7 Anerley Road, Parktown, Johannesburg

Postal Address:  Private Bag X118, Marshalltown, 2107

Tel:(011) 630 3501 begin of the skype highlighting
 (011) 547 2602end of the skype highlighting
Fax:(011) 832 1044
Fax:(011) 646 3416
ETQA FAX:(011) 838 5400
Accreditation Body
Mr. Harold Spencer (ETQA Director)
Ms. Madeline Gericke
(ETQA Manager)
Postnet Suite 180
Private Bag x06
Tel:082 596 5847 begin of the skype highlighting
 082 596 5847end of the skype highlighting
Fax:086 675 3058/ 086 675 3063 begin of the skype highlighting
 086 675 3063end of the skype highlighting
Public Service
Sector Education
and Training Authority
Ms. Bontle Lerumo (CEO)
Mr. Zamo Khuzwayo
(ETQA Director)
Ms. Mamello Mahomed
(Learnership Manager)

353 Festival Street, Sanlam Building, Hatfield, 0028

Postal Address:  Private Bag X916, Pretoria, 0001

Tel:(012) 423 5730/5736
Fax:086 536 5646
Tel:(012 ) 641 6619
ETQA Fax:086 665 3873
Tel:(012) 641 6612 begin of the skype highlighting
 (012) 641 6612end of the skype highlighting
SA Board for
People Practices
Ms. Huma Van Rensburg (CEO)
Kathleen Beckett
P.O. Box 2450
Tel:(011) 773-6222 begin of the skype highlighting
 (011) 773-6222end of the skype highlighting
Fax:(011) 773-6224
SA Institute of
Chartered Accountants
Mr. Nazwer Wade (CEO)
Mr Matsobane Matlwa
Executive President
Mr Geoffrey Ngonyama
(Project Director: Compliance)
P.O. Box 59875
Tel:(011) 621-6600 begin of the skype highlighting
 (011) 621-6600 end of the skype highlighting
Fax:(011) 622-3321
ETQA Fax:(011) 621 6763
Tel:(011) 621 6662 begin of the skype highlighting
 (011) 621 6662end of the skype highlighting
SA Nursing Council
Ms S. Mchunu
(Acting Deputy Registrar)
P.O. Box 1123
Tel:(012) 420-1000 begin of the skype highlighting
 (012) 420-1000 end of the skype highlighting
Fax:(012) 343-5400
South African
Pharmacy Council
Mr Amos Masango (Registrar)
Ms Hlone Masiza
(Manager: Pharmacy Education)
Ms Portia Buthelezi
Manager: ETQA
P O Box 40040
Tel:(012) 319-8500 begin of the skype highlighting
 (012) 319-8500end of the skype highlighting
Fax:(012) 321-1496
Hlone:012 319 8513 begin of the skype highlighting
 012 319 8513end of the skype highlighting
Fax:086 509 8503
Safety and Security
Sector Education
& Training Authority
Mr Zongezile Baloyi (CEO)
Ms Idris Patel
Mr Solly Ngoasheng
Senior Manager ETQA
Ms Lovey Malele
Senior Learnership Practitioner
P.O. Box 7612
Tel:(011) 347 0200 begin of the skype highlighting
 (011) 347 0200 end of the skype highlighting
Fax:(011) 805-6630/6632
ETQA FAX:0866044009
Services Sector
Education and
Training Authority

Mr. Eubert Mashabane (CEO)

Mr Paul Dhlamini
ETQA Manager
Mr. Sydney Moonsamy (Learnership Manager)
Ms Nozipho Zondo
Manager Learnership andSkills
Programme Registrar

15 Sherborne Road, Parktown

Postal Address:  P.O. Box 3322, Houghton, 2041

Tel:(011) 276 9618 begin of the skype highlighting
 (011) 276 9618 end of the skype highlighting
Fax:(011) 726 4418
Fax:011 726 4416
Tel:(011) 276 9618 begin of the skype highlighting
 (011) 276 9618end of the skype highlighting
Fax:(011) 276 9650
Tel:011 276 9618 begin of the skype highlighting
 011 276 9618end of the skype highlighting
Fax:011 726 4416
Transport Education
and Training Authority

Ms. Maphefo Anno-Frempong (CEO)

Ms. Tsholofelo Mokotedi
Learnership / Skills Development Manager)
Mr Herman Letoka
(ETQA Manager)

2nd Floor Sonsona Building, 344 Corner Dover and Pretoria Street, Randburg

Postal Address:  Private Bay X10016, Randburg, 2125

Tel:(011) 781 1280 begin_of_the_skype_highlighting
 (011) 577 7106end_of_the_skype_highlighting
Fax:(011) 781 0200
 086 765 0519
ETQA FAX:(011) 504 9252
Tourism Hospitality
and Sport Education
and Training Authority
Mr Mike Tsotetsi (CEO)
Mr. Ebrahim Boomgaard
ETQA Manager
Mr. Muzi Mwandla
(Acting Learnership Manager)
P.O. Box 1329
Tel:(011) 783 7235 begin of the skype highlighting
 (011) 783 7235 end_of_the_skype_highlighting
Fax:(011) 783 7745
Council for Quality
Assurance in General
and Further Education
and Training
Mr Mafu Rakometsi (CEO)
Dr. Ronél Blom
(Senior Manager: Accreditation)
Vijayen Naidoo
(Senior Manager: Quality Assurance of Assessment)
Postnet Suite 102
Private Bag X1
Tel:(012) 349-1510 begin of the skype highlighting
 (012) 349-1510end of the skype highlighting
Fax:(012) 349-1511
Tel:(012) 349 1510 begin of the skype highlighting
 (012) 349 1510endof the skype highlighting ext. 244
Fax:(012) 349 2187
Wholesale and
Retail Sector
Education and
Training Authority

Mr. Tom Blessing Mkwanazi (CEO)

Tertia van der Merwe
(ETQA Manager)
Ms Nazia Munsaur
Quality Assuror
Ms Ankie Kemp
Executive Manager: Qualifications & Leanerships

Riverside Office Park, Hennops House, c/o Lenchen and Heuwel Ave, Centurion

Postal Address:  P.O. Box 9809, Centurion, 0046

Tel:0860 270 027 begin of the skype highlighting
 0860 270 027end of the skype highlighting
Fax:(012) 633 9585
Call Centre:0860 270 027 begin of the skype highlighting
 0860 270 027end of the skype highlighting
DoHE&T – SETA Support,
QCTO Learnerships
and skills programmes
Melissa Erra
(Executive Manager SETA Support & Learnerships)
Adri Solomon
Sifiso Mkhonza
Manager: ETQA
Lindiwe Gwebu-Gqada
Manager: Learnerships
Phineas Makhotha
David Maboeane
Lettie Mbewe
P.O. Box X 117
Tel:012 309 4221 begin of the skype highlighting
 012 309 4221end of the skype highlighting
Fax:012 309 4667
Tel:012 309 4667 begin of the skype highlighting
 012 309 4667end of the skype highlighting
Tel:012 309 4437 / 4899
Fax:012 309 4966
CHE – HEQCMs Tamara Bezuidenhout
(Project Administrator: Accreditation)
Tel:012 349 3840 begin of the skype highlighting
 012 349 3840 end of the skype highlighting
Fax:012 392 9174
Tel:012 312 5444 begin of the skype highlighting
 012 312 5444end of the skype highlighting
Fax:012 324 6343
DoE – Provider
Ms Marietta Swart – FET
Dr Buthelezi – FET
Ms R McMenamin – FET
Dr Shaheeda Essack – PHEI
Tel:012 312 5325 begin of the skype highlighting
 012 312 5325end of the skype highlighting
Tel:012 312 5000 begin of the skype highlighting
 012 312 5000end of the skype highlighting
IndlelaMr Nic Louw
Mr Danie Behrens
Tel:011 206 1000 begin of the skype highlighting
 011 206 1000
Help desk
086010 3188
 Switchboard012431 5000
PSIRAHead office012337 5530
  012337 5506
  012337 5510
  012337 5520
CFRCall centre012353 6111
SassetaCall centre0861 102 477

ABET-Adult Basic Education And Training
ATR – Annual Training Report
DOL – Department of Labour
EEA – Employment Equity Act
ESDA – Employment And Skills Development Agency
ETD – Education, Training And Development
ETDP – Education, Training And Development Practitioner
ETQA – Education And Training Quality Assurance Body
FET – Further Education And Training
GDS – Growth and Development Summit
HET – Higher Education And Training
IDC – Independent Complaints Directorate
MOU – Memorandum Of Understanding
NLRD – National Learner Record Database
NQF – National Qualifications Framework
NSA – National Skills Authority
NSB – National Standards Body
NSF – National Skills Fund
NSDS – National Skills Development Strategy
SASSETA – Safety and Security Sector Education and Training Authority
SETA – Sector Education and Training Authority
OBE – Outcomes Based Education
PFMA – Public Finance Management Act
QMS – Quality Management System
RPL – Recognition Of Prior Learning
SAPS – South African Police Service
SAQA – South African Qualifications Authority
SARS – South African Revenue Service
SDA – Skills Development Act
SDF – skills development facilitator
SDL – skills development levy
SDLA – Skills Development Levies Act
SGB – standards generating body
SIC – standard industrial classification
SLA – service level agreement
SMME – small, medium and micro enterprise
SSP – sector skills plan
US – unit standard
WSP – workplace skills plan

Sector Specific

CPO – Close Protection Operative
CFR – Central Firearms Registry
DCS – Department of Correctional Services
DOJ – Department of Justice
FMA – Firearms Control Act
ICD – Independent Complaints Directorate
PSIRA/SIRA – Private Security Industry Regulatory Authority
SSS – Secretariat for Safety and Security

Name of InstitutionContact PersonPostal AddressContact Details
Agriculture Sector
Education and
Training Authority
Mr Jerry Madiba (CEO)
Mr. Fanny Phetla
(ETQA Manager)
P.O. Box 26024
Tel:(012) 325-1655 begin of the skype highlighting
 (012) 325-1655 end of the skype highlighting
Fax:(012) 325-1624
Banking Sector
Education and
Training Authority
Mr. Max Makhubalo (CEO)
Ms. Karen Hobbs
(ETQA Manager)
Paulette Bourne
(Learnership Manager)
P.O. Box 11678
Tel:(011) 805-9661 begin of the skype highlighting
 (011) 805-9661 end of the skype highlighting
Fax:(011) 805-8348
Education and
Training Authority
Mr. Petrus Mawuku
Dr Thabang Matobako
(ETQA Manager)
Mr. Francis Lamola
(Acting Learnership Manager)
P.O. Box 1955
Tel:(011) 265-5900/5904
Fax:(011) 265-5924/25
Tel No:011 265 5912 begin of the skype highlighting
 011 265 5912 end of the skype highlighting
Council on Higher
Mr Rolf Stumpf
Dr. Lis Lange
(Executive Director: HEQC)
Mercy Sondlo
P.O. Box 94
Tel:(012) 349-3861 begin of the skype highlighting
 (012) 349-3861 end of the skype highlighting
Fax:(012) 349 3942
Tel No:(012) 349 3850 begin of the skype highlighting
 (012) 349 3850end of the skype highlighting
Fax No:(012) 349 3927
Tel:(012) 349 3895 begin of the skype highlighting
 (012) 349 3895end of the skype highlighting
Fax:(012) 349 3927
Tel:(012) 349 3851 begin of the skype highlighting
 (012) 349 3851end of the skype highlighting
Fax:012 349 3927
Education and
Training Authority
Ms. Kelebogile Dilotsotlhe
Ms Ayesha Itzkin
(Executive Manager: ETDQA)
Mr. Christopher Sono
(Quality Assurance Manager)
Ms Mirriam Christopher
(Learnership Manager)
P.O. Box 961
Tel:(011) 726-4026 begin of the skype highlighting
 (011) 726-4026end of the skype highlighting X 204
Fax:(011) 726-7777
Clothing, Textiles,
Footwear and
Leather Sector
Education and
Training Authority
Mr PK Naicker
Mr Lenny Paltu (ETQA Manager)
Timothy Canham
Learnership Manager ( KZN Province)
P.O. Box 935
CTFL Office 
Tel:(031) 702-4482 begin of the skype highlighting
 (031) 702-4482 end of the skype highlighting
Fax:(031) 702-4113
Energy Sector
Education and
Mr. Funamna Mankaye
Mr. Johan Swanepoel
(ETQA Manager)
Mr. Tebogo Motla
(Learnership Manager)
P.O. Box 5983
Tel:(011) 689 – 5300 begin of the skype highlighting
 (011) 689 – 5300 end of the skype highlighting
Fax:(011) 689 – 5340
Fax:(011) 689-5342/3
Training and
Development Practices
Ms. Nombulelo Nxesi (CEO)
Mr Rama Kistiah
(ETQA Manager)
Mabu Rapotle
(Leanership Manager)
Private Bag X105
Tel:(011) 628 5000 begin of the skype highlighting
 (011) 628 5000end of the skype highlighting
Fax:(011) 482 6419
ETQA Fax:(011) 482 6375
 086 619 2752
Fax:(011) 482 5748
Financial and
Services Sector
Education and
Training Authority
Ms. Cheryl James (CEO)
Ms. Natercia Faustino
(ETQA/ Learnership Manager)
P.O. Box 6801
Tel:(011) 476-8570 begin of the skype highlighting
 (011) 476-8570end of the skype highlighting
Fax:(011) 476-5756
Forest Industries
Education and
Training Authority
Mr. Simangaliso Mkhwanazi (CEO)
Mr Johnny Modiba
(ETQA Manager)
P.O. Box 31276
Tel:(011) 712-0600/1
Fax:(011) 339-1166
 (011) 339 1160
Food and
Manufacturing Industry
Sector Education
and Training Authority
Mr. Ravin Deonarain (CEO)
Mr. Krappie Eloff
(ETQA Manager)
Ms. Blanche Engelbrecht
(Learnership Manager)
P.O. Box 245
Tel:(011) 253 7300 begin of the skype highlighting
 (011) 253 7300end of the skype highlighting
Fax:(011) 253 7333
Health Professions
Council of SA
Adv Boyce Mkhize (Registrar)
Mr Bheki Mbhele
General Manager:
Professional Board / (ETQA Manager
Mrs Sanet v/d Merwe
P.O. Box 205
Mrs Sanet v/d Merwe
Tel:(012) 338-9300 begin of the skype highlighting
 (012) 338-9300 end of the skype highlighting
Fax:(012) 328-4862
Tel:(012) 338 9492 begin of the skype highlighting
 (012) 338 9492end of the skype highlighting
Tel:(012) 338 9390 begin of the skype highlighting
 (012) 338 9390end of the skype highlighting
Tel:(012) 338 9320 begin of the skype highlighting
 (012) 338 9320end of the skype highlighting
Health and Welfare
Sector Education
and Training Authority
Mr Corrie Smit (CEO)
Mr Nathan Seotsanyana
(Executive Manager: ETQA)
Ms Champa Gopal
(Learner Achievement Manager)
Private Bag X15
Tel:(011) 607-6900 begin of the skype highlighting
 (011) 607-6900end of the skype highlighting
Fax:(011) 616-8939
ETQA FAX:011 607 6979
Insurance Sector
Education and
Training Authority
Ms Sharon Snell (Acting CEO) Neesha Naidoo
(ETQA Manager) Tumi Peele
(Learnership Manager)
P.O. Box 32035
Tel:(011) 544-2000 begin of the skype highlighting
 (011) 544-2000end of the skype highlighting
Fax:(011) 484-0862
Direct No.011 544 2032 begin of the skype highlighting
 011 544 2032end of the skype highlighting
ETQA Fax:011 484 9878
Direct No.011 544 2018 begin of the skype highlighting
 011 544 2018end of the skype highlighting
Information Systems,
Electronics and
Technologies Sector
Education and Training
Mr. Oupa Mopaki (CEO)
Mr Charlton Philiso
(Senior ETQA Manager)
Mr Jabu Sibeko
(Learnership Manager)
P.O. Box 5585
Tel:(011) 207 2600 begin of the skype highlighting
 (011) 207 2600 end of the skype highlighting
Fax:(011) 805 6833
Local Government
Sector Education
and Training Authority
Mr. Sidwell Mofokeng (CEO )
Ms Valentia Mashigo
ETQA Manager
Mrs Rosemary Du Plessis
(Learnership Manager)
P.O. Box 1964
Tel:(011) 456-8579 begin of the skype highlighting
 (011) 456-8579 end of the skype highlighting
Fax:(011) 450-8575
Media, Advertising,
Publishing, Printing
and Packaging
Sector Education
and Training Authority
Mr. Bheki Zulu ( CEO)
Ms Zanele Maseko
(ETQA – Cape Town)
Ms Xolelwa Kashe-Katiya
(ETQA Manager)
P.O. Box 5821
7536P.O. Box 1258
3600P.O. Box 199
Fax:011 234 2338
Tel:031 303 6001 begin of the skype highlighting
 031 303 6001end of the skype highlighting
Fax:031 303 6057
Tel:(011) 234 2311 begin of the skype highlighting
 (011) 234 2311 end of the skype highlighting
Fax:(011) 234 2350
Engineering and
Related Services
Sector Education
and Training Authority
Dr. Raymond Patel (CEO)
Mr Christo Basson
Senior LETQA Manager
Mr Naphtaly Mokgotsane
Quality Assuror
Ms Michelle Olivier
Quality Assuror
P.O. Box 61826
Tel:(011) 551 5202 begin of the skype highlighting
 (011) 551 5202end of the skype highlighting
Tel:(011) 544 1300 begin of the skype highlighting
 (011) 544 1300end of the skype highlighting
Fax:(011) 484-4600
LETQA Manager Tel:011 5515467 begin of the skype highlighting
 011 5515467end of the skype highlighting
CEO Fax:086 670 0037
ETQA Fax:(011) 484 4599
 0866 702 608/ 086 6477812 begin of the skype highlighting
 086 6477812 end of the skype highlighting
Mining Qualifications
Mr Livhuwani Nengovhela (CEO)
Ms Jay Moodley
(ETQA Manager)
Mr. Thapelo Madibeng
(Learnership Manager)
Private Bag X118
Tel:(011) 832 1022 begin of the skype highlighting
 (011) 832 1022end of the skype highlighting
Fax:(011) 832 1041
Fax:(011) 832 1027
ETQA FAX:(011) 838 5400
Accreditation Body
Mr. Harold Spencer (ETQA Director)
Ms. Madeline Gericke
(ETQA Manager)
Postnet Suite 180
Private Bag x06
Tel:082 596 5847 begin of the skype highlighting
 082 596 5847end of the skype highlighting
Fax:086 675 3058/ 086 675 3063 begin of the skype highlighting
 086 675 3063end of the skype highlighting
Public Service
Sector Education
and Training Authority
(Acting CEO)
Mr. Zamo Khuzwayo
(ETQA Director)
Ms. Mamello Mahomed
(Learnership Manager)
Private Bag X916
Tel:(012) 641 6610/6612
Fax:(012) 641 6602
Tel:(012 ) 641 6619
ETQA Fax:086 665 3873
Tel:(012) 641 6612 begin of the skype highlighting
 (012) 641 6612end of the skype highlighting
SA Board for
People Practices
Ms. Huma Van Rensburg (CEO)
Kathleen Beckett
P.O. Box 2450
Tel:(011) 773-6222 begin of the skype highlighting
 (011) 773-6222end of the skype highlighting
Fax:(011) 773-6224
SA Institute of
Chartered Accountants
Mr. Nazwer Wade (CEO)
Mr Matsobane Matlwa
Executive President
Mr Geoffrey Ngonyama
(Project Director: Compliance)
P.O. Box 59875
Tel:(011) 621-6600 begin of the skype highlighting
 (011) 621-6600 end of the skype highlighting
Fax:(011) 622-3321
ETQA Fax:(011) 621 6763
Tel:(011) 621 6662 begin of the skype highlighting
 (011) 621 6662end of the skype highlighting
SA Nursing Council
Ms S. Mchunu
(Acting Deputy Registrar)
P.O. Box 1123
Tel:(012) 420-1000 begin of the skype highlighting
 (012) 420-1000 end of the skype highlighting
Fax:(012) 343-5400
South African
Pharmacy Council
Mr Amos Masango (Registrar)
Ms Hlone Masiza
(Manager: Pharmacy Education)
Ms Portia Buthelezi
Manager: ETQA
P O Box 40040
Tel:(012) 319-8500 begin of the skype highlighting
 (012) 319-8500end of the skype highlighting
Fax:(012) 321-1496
Hlone:012 319 8513 begin of the skype highlighting
 012 319 8513end of the skype highlighting
Fax:086 509 8503
Safety and Security
Sector Education
& Training Authority
Mr Zongezile Baloyi (CEO)
Ms Idris Patel
Mr Solly Ngoasheng
Senior Manager ETQA
Ms Lovey Malele
Senior Learnership Practitioner
P.O. Box 7612
Tel:(011) 347 0200 begin of the skype highlighting
 (011) 347 0200 end of the skype highlighting
Fax:(011) 805-6630/6632
ETQA FAX:0866044009
Services Sector
Education and
Training Authority
Mr. Ivor Blumenthal (CEO)
Mr Paul Dhlamini
ETQA Manager
Mr. Sydney Moonsamy (Learnership Manager)
Ms Nozipho Zondo
Manager Learnership andSkills
Programme Registrar
P.O. Box 3322
Tel:(011) 715 1800 begin of the skype highlighting
 (011) 715 1800end of the skype highlighting
Fax:(011) 726 4416
Fax:011 726 4416
Tel:(011) 276 9600 begin of the skype highlighting
 (011) 276 9600end of the skype highlighting
Fax:(011) 276 9650
Tel:011 715 1800 begin of the skype highlighting
 011 715 1800end of the skype highlighting
Fax:011 726 4416
Transport Education
and Training Authority
Ms Maphefo Matlala (CEO)
Ms. Tsholofelo Mokotedi
Learnership / Skills Development Manager)
Mr Herman Letoka
(ETQA Manager)
Private Bag X10016
Tel:(011) 781 1280 begin_of_the_skype_highlighting
 (011) 781 1280end_of_the_skype_highlighting
Fax:(011) 781 0200
 (011) 886 2502
ETQA FAX:(011) 504 9252
Tourism Hospitality
and Sport Education
and Training Authority
Mr Mike Tsotetsi (CEO)
Mr. Ebrahim Boomgaard
ETQA Manager
Mr. Muzi Mwandla
(Acting Learnership Manager)
P.O. Box 1329
Tel:(011) 783 7235 begin of the skype highlighting
 (011) 783 7235 end_of_the_skype_highlighting
Fax:(011) 783 7745
Council for Quality
Assurance in General
and Further Education
and Training
Mr Mafu Rakometsi (CEO)
Dr. Ronél Blom
(Senior Manager: Accreditation)
Vijayen Naidoo
(Senior Manager: Quality Assurance of Assessment)
Postnet Suite 102
Private Bag X1
Tel:(012) 349-1510 begin of the skype highlighting
 (012) 349-1510end of the skype highlighting
Fax:(012) 349-1511
Tel:(012) 349 1510 begin of the skype highlighting
 (012) 349 1510endof the skype highlighting ext. 244
Fax:(012) 349 2187
Wholesale and
Retail Sector
Education and
Training Authority
Mr. Joel Dikgole (CEO)
Tertia van der Merwe
(ETQA Manager)
Ms Nazia Munsaur
Quality Assuror
Ms Ankie Kemp
Executive Manager: Qualifications & Leanerships
P.O. Box 9809
Tel:(012) 676 9000 begin of the skype highlighting
 (012) 676 9000end of the skype highlighting
Fax:(012) 665 2559
Call Centre:0860 270 027 begin of the skype highlighting
 0860 270 027end of the skype highlighting
DoHE&T – SETA Support,
QCTO Learnerships
and skills programmes
Melissa Erra
(Executive Manager SETA Support & Learnerships)
Adri Solomon
Sifiso Mkhonza
Manager: ETQA
Lindiwe Gwebu-Gqada
Manager: Learnerships
Phineas Makhotha
David Maboeane
Lettie Mbewe
P.O. Box X 117
Tel:012 309 4221 begin of the skype highlighting
 012 309 4221end of the skype highlighting
Fax:012 309 4667
Tel:012 309 4667 begin of the skype highlighting
 012 309 4667end of the skype highlighting
Tel:012 309 4437 / 4899
Fax:012 309 4966
CHE – HEQCMs Tamara Bezuidenhout
(Project Administrator: Accreditation)
Tel:012 349 3840 begin of the skype highlighting
 012 349 3840 end of the skype highlighting
Fax:012 392 9174
Tel:012 312 5444 begin of the skype highlighting
 012 312 5444end of the skype highlighting
Fax:012 324 6343
DoE – Provider
Ms Marietta Swart – FET
Dr Buthelezi – FET
Ms R McMenamin – FET
Dr Shaheeda Essack – PHEI
Tel:012 312 5325 begin of the skype highlighting
 012 312 5325end of the skype highlighting
Tel:012 312 5000 begin of the skype highlighting
 012 312 5000end of the skype highlighting
IndlelaMr Nic Louw
Mr Danie Behrens
Tel:011 206 1000 begin of the skype highlighting
 011 206 1000
Help desk
086010 3188
 Switchboard012431 5000
PSIRAHead office012337 5530
  012337 5506
  012337 5510
  012337 5520
CFRCall centre012353 6111
SassetaCall centre0861 102 477
  • There is no fee charged for a person to be on a Learnership.
  • The employer must pay unemployed learners selected for a Learnership a learner allowance.
  • Employed learners because they already have a salary would not get the learners allowance.
  • In supporting employers who are implementing Learnerships, SETAs have Learnerships grants that they pay to employers towards tuition and learner allowance.
  • The purpose of the Learnership grant is not to pay the total cost of implementing the Learnership, but to offset some of the cost incurred by the employer.
  • The precise amount would depend on the type of the Learnership and the Minister of Labour has agreed to the minimum level of allowance and conditions but the employer can pay more.
  • The duration of a Learnership can take up to a minimum of one year.
  • If the employer selects you, you will have to sign a Learnership Agreement and a contract of employment for the duration of the Learnership. The Learnership Agreement would be signed by yourself (employed and unemployed learner), the employer(s) who will host/employed you for workplace learning and the training provider. Remember to always have a copy of the Learnership Agreement and the contract of employment. The Learnership Agreement will spell out what is expected of you and what you will have to do during the Learnership.
  • If the Learnership is successfully completed you will have a qualification that is recognised throughout the country. To prove that you have the qualification you will be given the certificate. If you do a Bachelor of Education through UNISA, or through a Learnership, the qualification would be the same; the only difference is the methods that you both used to achieve the qualification.
  • Register with the Department of Labour as a work seeker by completing the required
  • Registration form indicating your interest. The forms are available at Labour Centres
  • Always keep your contact details up to date The Labour Centre would then contact you if you meet the minimum criteria for the Learnerships with a specified employer if you meet the criteria you will be called in for a briefing session and possible assessment prior the final selection process.
  • The employer is responsible for final selection of its learners
  • If you are unemployed when the Learnership begins, there is no guarantee of a job on successful completion of the Learnership. The employer who offers you the workplace learning does not have an obligation to offer you a job. But with a qualification and minimum one year workplace experience, you will be in a better position to get a job than before. You might also think of getting more qualifications or starting up your own business.
  • Contact your employer through the Human Resources Department
  • Speak to your supervisor responsible for your appraisal process in the company/ organization
  • Contact the trade union official for more information.
  • Quality and the relevance of education and training Development of applied competence required in the workplace National recognition of competence.
  • Their learning achievements have national recognition that have wider application to workplaces.
  • Learnerships improve access to and opportunities for employment
  • Learners have access to further learning opportunities.
  • A learner on successful completion of a Learnership receives certificate confirming the credits obtained.
  • Learnerships provide an opportunity to affordable education, training and development.
  • Communicate your interest in doing a Learnership
  • Their learning achievements have national recognition that have wider application to workplaces.
  • Obtain information on what Learnerships are and the Learnerships that your employer that are available from your supervisor, training/HR department
  • Request your employer to contact the SASSETA about available Learnerships If your employer agrees, you could enrol in a Learnership that is ready for implementation
  • If you see an advertisement for application to a Learnership (e.g. in a newspaper), submit your application to the relevant person indicated in the advertisement
  • Sign the SASSETA Application for Admission to Learnerships that will be provided to you by the employer.
  • Contact the Department of Labour or the SASSETA.
  • Obtain information about what Learnerships are and what Learnerships are available in your field of interest.
  • Identify the relevant SETA responsible for the Learnerships in your field of interest.
  • Communicate your interest in doing a Learnership.
  • Contact the Learnership Department of the SASSETA (011-347 0200) and inform them of your interest in that Learnership.
  • Obtain the requirements of that Learnership to determine whether you meet the criteria.
  • Provide the information that the SASSETA requires at that stage, e.g. CV and contact details.
  • The SASSETA will try to link you up with a suitable employer, if possible.
  • The SASSETA communicates your details to interested employers
  • The SASSETA will capture your details on its database, and will provide these details to relevant employers
    In some cases, e.g. the Candidate Attorney Learnership, the SASSETA will advise the learner to find a suitable law firm that would agree to employing him/her for the duration of the Learnership
  • If you see an advertisement for application to a Learnership (e.g. in a newspaper), submit your application to the relevant person indicated in the advertisement
  • Once you have been placed with an employer, sign an employment contract drawn up by the employer (where you will be working for the duration of the Learnership) Sign the SASSETA Application for Admission to Learnerships that will be provided to you by the employer.