Chief Financial Officer
Governance, Risk, Compliance
Corporate governance embodies processes and systems by which public entities are directed, controlled and held accountable. In addition, legislative requirements based on a public entity’s enabling legislation and the Companies Act, corporate governance with regards to public entities is applied through the precepts of the Public Finance Management Act (PFMA) and with the principles contained in the King Report on Corporate Governance.
SASSETA is a Schedule 3A public entity that reports to the Department of Higher Education and Training. The Minister of Higher Education and Training is the Executive Authority. The Administrator is the Accounting Authority, as gazetted in Government Notice No. 38469.
Operations of SASSETA are aligned with sound corporate governance structures and processes that conform to the Skills Development Act, 97 of 1998 (as amended), and are supported by the Skills Development Levies Act, 97 of 2003, the Public Finance Management Act of 1999 (as amended) and Treasury regulations, all of which enable SASSETA to achieve its National Skills Development Strategy (NSDS) III imperatives.
- Proactively manages and addresses risks that have a negative impact on SASSETA’s performance
Internal Audit
Provides Management and Audit Committee with independent objective assurance with the view to improving efficacy of governance, risk management and control processes.
Finance and Supply Chain Management
Renders effective and efficient financial and administrative support.